Signs in the activities

In all the activities offered by Tour Pass Vallarta, we have some instructions, warnings, and signs that you should know before you book any activity, tours, or transfers with us.

Many of these signs are part of the activity description or even is a warning for them. Just in case we are not explaining clearly in each activity’s descriptions, this could be helpful.

Activity Level

Very Low Intensity

Level 1 of the activity
Good for all the family, just relax

Low Intensity

Low Intensity Activity
It fits all the family; it requires very low strength or movements.

Normal Intensity

Normal Intensity Activity
This fit for all except just requires some strength and normal cardio condition.

High Intensity

High Intensity Activity
Needs to be in good cardio conditions and it requires some strength for the activity.

Very High Intensity

This fit for all except just requires strength and good cardio.